Sex and Ayurveda

Sexual urge is a natural instinct and Ayurveda doesn’t restrict sex to reproduction only, rather it is thought as an activity that can nourish us deeply and in which we should indulge from time to time.


Sexual urge is a natural instinct and Ayurveda doesn’t restrict sex to reproduction only, rather it is thought as an activity that can nourish us deeply and in which we should indulge from time to time. Ancient India has had open conversations about all aspects of sex. The last chapters in the Kamasutra, India’s most famous handbook of love, is all about different ways you can enhance your sexual pleasure. Ayurveda has a branch called Vajeekarana which deals with Improving sexual potency and efficacy of progeny.

The framework of Ayurveda is wide enough to include all that is very essential to make the humans healthy and happy. Balanced Sex is considered one of the three aspects of life which maintain health, along with a balanced diet and sleep.

According to Ayurveda, disciplined sexual intercourse helps to balance the body’s fundamental principles and the role it plays in maintaining the mental level is of greater significance.

General Rules:

  • Selecting a partner: Always make sure that your partner suits you and your interests. It is very important that this activity unites you and the mental presence of both individuals grant greater harmony. Health and reproductive health of the partner is of primary importance. As is practicing cleanliness and maintaining good hygiene.
  • Time it to perfection: Sex should be avoided after a heavy meal, when hungry or thirsty. Only indulge in sexual activity when you are keenly interested, when not disturbed physically or mentally or when stressed.
  • Women have to be physically ready for sex: Pregnant and recently delivered women should abstain from intercourse according to Ayurveda. This is due to a lack of energy and interest because of hormonal changes and to avoid any ill consequences to the pregnancy. Also according to Ayurvedic texts, Women should avoid intercourse during menstruating days.
  • It’s important to set a scene: Take time to prepare and be relaxed before sex, and then only it will end up as a harmoneous experience for the partners. Strange and unfamiliar places, respected areas like temples should be avoided.
  • Rule are more important when you are planning for a child: Ayurveda discourages sex during the new moon, full moon, eclipse or during days of mourning. These days should be noted especially if you intend to have a child. The doshas of the parents and external environmental conditions tend to be altered in these days, which can affect the prakruti and health of the child.

The Ashtangahridayam puts it in this way “From a disciplined indulgence in sex, one gains memory, intelligence, health, nourishment, sharpness of sense organs, reputation strength and long life.”

The last chapter in the Kamasutra, India’s most famous handbook of love, is all about different plants and devices you can use to enhance your sex life. It might surprise (and delight) you that many commonly used ancient Indian aphrodisiacs are things you could find in your kitchen. According to the Aphrodisiac branch of Ayurveda, Vajikarana, anything made from milk, honey, sugar, and sesame is an effective aphrodisiac, and panchamritam, a mixture made of milk, yoghurt, sugar, honey, and butter, was supposed to increase fertility and stamina.