Article by Dr. Rohini G Varrier
Are you a Gadget Lover ?
How long is your Screen time ?
Is your life possible without a smart phone ?

Today we are living in a sophisticated environment where digital gadgets are one of the most developed technologies. The amount of time we spend staring at the screen has increased dramatically in the last few years. While the technology is impulsive, the discomforts that it gives to the sense organs, especially eyes are alarming. Since most of us depend on technology to do our jobs and stay connected. we and our children need to find a healthy way to use them.
Ayurveda, the science of life gives the wellness of an individual the same importance as the treatment of the ill. This science has understood the destructive effects of over using the senses and the imbalances it creates in the body. Ayurveda considers Eye as the most important sense organ as it allows us to understand and navigate the world around us.
Computer Vision Syndrome is a decade old eye disease which manifests with asthenopia (Eye pain, Dryness, Irritation, Double Vision, headache etc.). The HEV (High Energy Visible) Blue light emitted from a smartphone can cause hazardous effects to our vision.
Incompatible contact of eye with visual objects has been considered as one of the major causes of ophthalmic diseases according to Ayurveda. Most people pay attention to their eyes only if they have a vision problem. But for those who want to focus on wellness of their eyes, here is some tips :
Oil application – Regular oil application helps in cooling the head and reducing the stress. Ayurveda explains two veins which are situated in the centre of feet which are significantly connected to eyes. Massaging of soles with medicated oils is thus beneficial for the eyes.
Eye wash – Fill the mouth with cool water (without swallowing it) and gently splash clean cold water over the eyes.
Use of Collyrium or Kajal – Medically processed collyrium helps in maintaining the wellness of eyes and improving clarity toward the primary colours. It also helps in draining the tear glands and cleaning the eyes.
Nasal Drops – Regular use of 2 drops of Gingelly oil nasally helps in strengthening the muscles and clearing the Lacrimal duct and also helps in keeping the optimal moisture level in eyes.
Massage – Gently massaging around the eyes and on lids in rotatory motion with plain oil for 5-10 mins helps in improving microcirculation and strengthening of eye muscles.
Practice Blinking – Normally a person blinks 12-18 times/min. While staring at light emitting gadgets, it reduces to 5-6/min. Increased blinking will keep the eye moisturized.
Alter between near and far vision – Keep your Gadgets at an optimal distance of 16-18 inches from the eye.
Take frequent breaks – 15-20min break is advised every 2 hours of gadget usage.
Regular eye Exercises like palming and rotation etc
Following these will definitely help in improving the quality of vision and to avoid future ophthalmic conditions. As the most important sense organ, we should try to preserve the functionality of eyes as long as we can. Ayurveda has effective and restorative solutions for several ophthalmic problems. Consult an Ayurvedic physician today if you have any eye related queries.