A write up by Dr Somashree AS . Turmeric is one of the most versatile and beneficial herb in ayurveda, with powerful medicinal properties and a distinctive yellow colour and flavor.

Turmeric is one of the most versatile and beneficial herb in ayurveda, with powerful medicinal properties and a distinctive yellow colour and flavor. Its medicinal effects have been valued for centuries. It is part of a vast number of Ayurvedic preparations used internally and externally for Panchakarma procedures.
According to Ayurvedic texts turmetic is
1. Laghu (light)
2. Ruksha (dry)
3. Ushna (hot)
in properties.
It’s key active ingredient Curcumin has properties like
1. Antioxidant
2. Antiviral
3. Antibacterial
4. Anti-carcinogenic
5. Anti-mutagenic
6. Anti-fungal
7. Anti inflammatory
Turmeric has been used in traditional Asian cuisine since centuries. Its extensive use in traditional medicine has raised significant interest in its health benefits. But as everything that is good, turmeric also should be consumed in moderation.
The recommended consumption of turmeric is in its natural form in moderate quantities for optimal health needs. One teaspoon of turmeric powder a day is considered safe.
While the positive aspects of turmeric may outweigh the side effects, it is important to know that excess turmeric usage may cause certain health problems in the body.
1. Upset stomach
Turmeric is known to increase your body heat and cause inflammation in your stomach that may lead to abdominal pain and cramps.
2. May cause nausea and diarrhoea
Curcumin has a tendency to trouble the gastrointestinal tract with excess consumption.
3. Risk of developing kidney stones
Turmeric contains oxalates that may increase the risk of developing kidney stones. These oxalates bind the calcium to form insoluble calcium oxalate that is a primary cause of kidney stones. This is especially important for people who have a history of kidney stones.
4. May cause an allergic reaction
Turmeric is kshara(alkaline) in property. So excessive internal and external use may lead to dryness of skin. You may be allergic to certain compounds present in turmeric which can cause rashes, outbreaks and even shortness of breath. Allergic reactions can occur from both ingestion and skin contact.
5. Iron deficiency
Excess turmeric consumption may inhibit the absorption of iron.
It is important that we stick to the rule of moderation to avoid these side effects of turmeric and enjoy its benefits. This is especially true when consuming the concentrated form of turmeric, the Curcumin.