What is SEASON CHANGE – Ritu Sandhi ?
By Dr. Somasree A S

Nature has the capacity to affect man since the beginning of humanity. That effect continues even though we have moved away from nature itself. Ayurveda says that Seasons (rithus) can have huge effects on man and his health. For this purpose, the Dinacharya (daily regimen) and Ritucharya (seasonal regimen) are devised in Ayurveda.
But what about the time between two seasons?
Ritusandhi is a transitional phase of Ritus wherein one season is about to end and another season is about to begin. Just like the summer is about to end and we are about to have the rainy season.
“During this period, the regimen of the preceding season should be discontinued gradually and that of the succeeding season should be gradually adopted; sudden discontinuance or sudden adoption gives rise to diseases”
Those who follow this can adjust to all the seasons, will have good immunity and can withstand many diseases. Many times it becomes very difficult for us to get adjusted to different seasons as and when they change.
Ayurveda teaches us ways to adapt to different Ritus.
- Letting go of the habits of the previous season related to food, lifestyle and behavior and also starting to practice the habits related to the diet, lifestyle and behavior of the upcoming season is the key to maintain health during season change.
- Panchakrama treatments help in prevention of many seasonal disorders and can be done under the care of a physician.
- Awareness of rithusandhi helps in treating the imbalances of seasonal change and also to take preventive measures and precautions with respect to the impending diseases which might occur in the next season.
Ritu Sandhis are important parts of a year in which we learn to adapt to all the seasons. Adapting to the seasons is the secret of keeping healthy throughout the year, to keep ourselves disease free and for enjoying the longevity of life.